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NPC Automatic Find and Talk


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Wow, ok I'm a bit out of it right now. What I did was make an extra stage in the quest, and I assigned to it a condoition of get item count daedra heart <=5. When I got the 5 hearts, nothing happened, (like I expected, becasue quest stage conditions are not evaluated every frame). Anyways, the other stuff worked, becasue when I used the console in game to change my quest stage, it changed it (it showed GetItemCOunt >>5 as well. Then I talked to the NPC, and the quest was completed. I suspect I will need to make a script for this, a quest one at that. Am I right, and could you point me in the right direction


Your help is immensely appreciated!

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  Armistice11 said:
Wow, ok I'm a bit out of it right now. What I did was make an extra stage in the quest, and I assigned to it a condoition of get item count daedra heart <=5. When I got the 5 hearts, nothing happened, (like I expected, becasue quest stage conditions are not evaluated every frame). Anyways, the other stuff worked, becasue when I used the console in game to change my quest stage, it changed it (it showed GetItemCOunt >>5 as well. Then I talked to the NPC, and the quest was completed. I suspect I will need to make a script for this, a quest one at that. Am I right, and could you point me in the right direction


Your help is immensely appreciated!

Just something like


begin gamemode
if getstage <questname> == <stage where you have to collect hearts>
if player.getitemcount <form ID of hearts> >= 5
  setstage <questname> <stage where hearts are collected>


Within the script attached to the quest. It should update every frame durring that quest stage. However since the dialogue and the quest conditions failed to recognize the item, you might want to double, or tripple check that you have the correct item registered and that that item is what exists as a death item for daedra or wherever you're supposed to find these.

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