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Settlement menu SHIFT + WASD not working.


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Hello all!

Pretty much says it all in the title. I cant seem to select between items in the settlement building menu with WASD + SHIFT anymore. This happend just after the update: 1.4.132. I also use the mod "place enywhere" wtch keeps telling me I am switching between the axis. I tried to remap the key to F10 but no change.


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Been using the arrow keys since this problem occured, but its really frustrating to switching between. specialy since Im doing a building playthrough. I heard about the sprinting problem, but that part works fine for me, so not using it :)

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Problem solved. For people having the same problem: It was "place anywhere" that changed my shift key to use rotate axis instead. I altered the Ini. to use f10 and it worked. this is my ini. now: changeRotateAxis = 0x79 (remember to remove the ; to activate it)

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