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Long time gamer new to pc gaming


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So Ive loved video games all my life. Ive owned every major console since the atari, but never really gamed on the pc. Not seriously anyways.


So I recently got a new job that pays me well, so I decided to buy/put together a gaming rig. I bought a pre-made with a good CPU, and I just bought a great graphics card and bumped up the RAM to 12gigs. Cost me about 1000 bucks. Now its time to game. I pop in New Vegas(which Ive played before on the 360), and immediately Im blown away.


My computer automatically put in ultra max settings, and it was beautiful.


But I didnt buy a gaming rig to play games vanilla style. I bought a rig to use and maybe eventually make mods!


So I up load a crap ton of the top 100 mods this site has(took me a while to get used to and understand how to do so[FOMM <3]), and I start a new game.


I felt like I was born again. I question what Ive been doing my whole life, when this was possible on the PC. The game looks so much better and much more fun. I feel like a criminal for uploading all this free user made content all(yes I said all) of which is better than the DLC I have to pay for.


Im in love.

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I'm gonna high five the monitor, and hope you're there to receive and reciprocate.

Welcome to the Nexus. Welcome to the PC.

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