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Creation kit limit

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I recently merged a lot of ESPs, but when I opened the plugin in the CK (to generate the NAVI record), I got the following error:


"DEFAULT: OUT OF HANDLE ARRAY ENTRIES. Null handle created for pointer 4a815f08"


After I generated the NAVI data and saved the ESP, a lot of data (building/trees/etc) went missing.


The ESP has about 230k records and has USLEEP and all official DLCs as masters.


Even when I try to do the same merge in several seperate ESPs, I end up with the same error.


Is there a way to fix this?


Thanks in advance


Kind regards



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You have exceeded the object limit for the CK. You need to use a stripped down version of one or more of the vanilla esm's (for use in the CK only) . If you are using Dragonborn or Dawnguard you can strip one or other of them down in TESVEdit by removing the worldspaces.


If you aren't using a DLC then you will have to create a cut down version of the Skyrim.esm. Cutting out all the worldspaces should give you plenty. If you then want to test your mod it still works well enough but don't try and go into any of the worldspaces you have deleted! If you are then going to use TESVEdit to clean your mod you must restore the original Skyrim.esm other wise it will throw up loads of errors.


I created two directories one with the original files and one with stripped down ones so you can swap them in and out conveniently.


Oh and TESVEdit will not hack the Skyrim.esm you will need to use TESSnip

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Okay, so use TES5Edit to cut down stuff in the DLCs and use TESVSnipt to cut down stuff in Skyrim ESM. And only use those stripped down ESMs to open my mod in the CK. (easy to switch between them using Mod Organizer)


One question, though: Should I only remove worldspaces that my mega merge isn't dependant on? Because my mega merge makes edits to some of them (Tamriel, Whiterunworld, Solitudeworld, etc) Should I leave those ones untouched?


Thanks in advance


Kind regards



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Obviously don't cut out things that your mode references - ie if you have some stuff going on in Whiterun and Solitude you can't cut out their worldspaces, otherwise you would lose all those references in the first ck save.


Maybe you don't have to touch Skyrim if stripping the DLCs does it for you - a bit of test it and see needed.

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Do we know what the actual limit is? Legacy itself has over 120K records and odyssey will push that up considerably as it's being developed, and Legacy adds stuff to virtually everywhere so doing a cell strip will be very VERY difficult if I end up hitting that cap. So any ideas what the cap is?

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No i don't know the limit - I only know I hit it at Version 2.6 of Shumer (280 cluttered interior cells, getting on for a 1000 NPC's, and two worldspaces). Very annoying because I didn't notice for a couple of days and had to go back to a save before the CK started randomly removing items from the map.


If it's some help at the time my file sizes were:


Shumer esm 45Mb

Shumer update esp 24Mb

Pirates esp 10Mb


and all three DLC's loaded

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