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On stranger tracks


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-“This is ridiculous! Just ridiculous!” I just yelled outright.

-“What is?” Asked my brother and companion Jack

“-This whole darn thing is! Just look at it, we have been walking for days, and not a single track of that idiotic caravan!” I picked up a rock and chucked it as hard as I could against a tree to vent off some of my frustration and anger.


About a week or two ago, me and Jack picked up this contract from the caravan boss to find a missing caravan, piece of cake we thought.


Wrong, just wrong. We have been following random bits of information and been looking at tracks ever since we left Canterbury.

Closest we have gotten where the remains of a campsite and some tracks heading north, but now we are lost again. And my pet wolf Fenrir hasn’t been able to track anything due to the wide array of animals and people that roam here on a regular basis.


I was brought back from my thoughts by the cold touch of my brothers hand on my shoulder, right at the scar from our encounter with a Yao Guai.

-“What do you think of stopping here for the night? The sunset is here after all.” I just nodded, feeling how tired I was at the moment.


We set off again the following day after a quick breakfast, feeling at our best mood. But still our hope wasn’t high, seeing as we haven’t found a thing for a while.


What happened after about half an hour off walking can only be explained as one of the luckiest moments in my life.


All of the sudden Fenrir caught the scent of a baby molerat and just ran off, so me and my brother of course followed after him. Hey, we need dinner too. After about 100 to 150 meters Fenrir caught the rat and we could see the caravan, and it was under attack by raiders. So we helped fight off the raiders and get the caravan home safe and after picking up our payment we headed off home.


Next time I need some quick caps

I think I’ll just watch the neighbour’s cactus

Seems so much easier


Lost caravans? Never again, I can tell you that right away

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