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World space and cells

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So I have my underground vault made and I am trying to make the egg shaped island for the entrance. I have completed the underground stages and have begun work on the worldspace and its cells.


Here's my problem though, I start building and editing and whenever I start panning my view and placing things, the number of exterior cells starts to grow. I am more comfortable with working with a limited number of cells and expanding as I go along, not to mention that this is supposed to be a rather small island with most of the community underground.


#1 How do I limit the number of cells?


#2 How do I delete cells


#3 How do I add cells.


#4 How do I change the skybox to help give my island the feel of being very far away from land and having infinite ocean all around?

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I know 1 setting:


In GECK under file - preferences - render window tab . Uncheck allow render window cell loads.

That will keep it from loading cells while you zoom-scroll around.


I just delete the extra cells when I am done, by using FO3edit.


on adding cells:

enable cellborders "B" key and scroll there and drop some kind of junk to set the cell.



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Okay, this helped. Thank you.


I have my island set up, with the big clutter on the surface, but now the water won't raise up.


The land height is set at 3000 and I bumped the water a little higher and it looked fine and after some fine tuning with the land mass, I tried to bump it up a little higher, by like 50 or 100 units but nothing happened. I didn't save and reloaded later that night and still it was just above the land and no where near the boats.


I just tried jacking it up by 1000 to submerge my island (thats actually not a bad idea for a mod, kind if like New Orleans' 9th ward), and still nothing happened.

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