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Strecthing boobs problem into the infinite issue.


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Don't use MAO and Coronerra simultaneously. D: They both mess with skeleton.nif, though MAO also adds other stuff if I'm not mistaken. If you use MAO, Coronerra's skeleton will be replaced by it, and BBB only works with Coronerra's (right now). Reinstall Coronerra's skeleton, and it should overwrite MAO's skeleton.


You can use MAO with the BBB if you copy the BBB skeleton into MAO ( Data\Meshes\Mayu's Projects[M]\Animation Overhaul\Vanilla) folder. I do this myself, it works.

Hey this works! Thanks everyone! Problem resolved! :thumbsup:

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This is one of the reasons I do not use body mods.


I am just here for the dungeons, quests, and adventures. Not to look at the women. The mods seem to smack of male chauvanism and like they do not foster liberty, equality, and fraternity and the respect for the intelligence and ability of people of both sexes. You might also say that I hold different views on what constitutes the ideal in distaff beauty than what many of these mods portray. Since I am not interested in the subject matter, it does not make sense to add mods to my load order which could cause problems and make it so my game is broken and so I have to start a thread like this to get my game fixed.

Edited by David Brasher
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This is one of the reasons I do not use body mods.


I am just here for the dungeons, quests, and adventures. Not to look at the women. The mods seem to smack of male chauvanism and like they do not foster liberty, equality, and fraternity and the respect for the intelligence and ability of people of both sexes. You might also say that I hold different views on what constitutes the ideal in distaff beauty than what many of these mods portray. Since I am not interested in the subject matter, it does not make sense to add mods to my load order which could cause problems and make it so my game is broken and so I have to start a thread like this to get my game fixed.

I guess that's where opinions differ, I still like to mod my game though. Funny how Oblivion can be fun without playing it. :thumbsup:

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  • 4 months later...
I hate to commit the foul crime of using necromancy but I gotta say the npcs in Oblivion look terrible, especially the women who move and have the same skeletal structure of the men. Totally breaks immersion for me. So David, your opinion is WRONG. Edited by cancerexe
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