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fose question


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hey guys i just wanted to ask if you all know if FOSE would work with the gamestop digital download version of fallout 3 cuz i know it wont work with the D2D version but the one from gamestop is different also the fallout 3 game of the year on steam is 29.99 when the one from gamestop is only 14.99 so definitely want to get the one from gamestop instead







edit i just noticed that >_> it said digital download version of fose

Edited by MikeIsEpic
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I'm not using FOSE or NVSE if that helps. If a mod requires it but doesn't provide a non FOSE/NVSE version then that mod isn't any good anyway. It's almost like asking for problems. People dump so much crap into these games, most times they will never even grasp the entire content that was installed. the result is a mix an match hodge podge of un-tested data. It doesn't take a genius to see that it will not work well.
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