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Neckbeerd666 - BANNED

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Neckbeerd666 banned.




Reason for the ban

Foul mouthed insulting and disgusting rant added with threats.



At this point I feel like Piper and Nat have been kidnapped and are trying to send for help. This is disgusting on all levels and I do not appreciate the real life trauma this has caused me. You are a vile and disgusting human being and I hope that when the apocalypse does come everyone you ever loved dies in front of you and then a woman named Piper tortures you to the brink of death, nurses you back to health and then repeats the cycle. Only to end in you being murdered at the hands of you hostage IRL. Fag



Main account mercforhire23 also banned


Reference post




Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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