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Anyone who has played the ME- and DA-series games knows how vital, (and magical!) good voice acting can be. BioWare has consistently employed some of the best in the business for both franchises.


And having attempted to play (and in some cases, actually completing) more than one fan-produced "module" that lacked VA entirely, had amateur acting and/or poor sound quality, or <shudder> used a synthetic voice... Let me just say I'll never do it again. :armscrossed:

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I have no desire to sound grumpy or anything, but I stand with Anne. Too many cooks spoilt the broth, yes, but there is nothing as great as more than one writer. It is comparing apples to oranges. You need to get a perfect team, not any quantity. I am talking from my experiences alone, but just read enough and you will see the pattern. It is crucial to have someone of your trade who thinks in a certain way to find issues and brainstorm. On top of thay, collaborative writing if you get a good partner is much more time-efficient. Not to mention inspirational. Also, writing a novel or a story is NOT like writing for a game. You need a lot more to make a written work shine. Heck, be bearable at all! The reason for how books written after games tend to suck is that most people who write them have little to no experience of just working in letters. A summary? All this shows you are not a writer (and nobody blames you for that, but please do not assume being omniscient in this matter).


The comment about how you need to be addicted and depressed to write well? Sorry :ermm:... Juvenile (sort of insulting too, but I want to offense to you). I just cannot agree with this. You need empathy, curiosity, good cognition with the ability to research your subject, a LOT of books read and flawless command of your language of choice, topped with a certain kind of sensitivity to words. Writing is... well, much more complicated than what you seem to believe.


Design in games is not what you take it as. It is not just art. I would not say I DESIGNED any RPGs despite creating at least five systems for friends. It is a different thing. You have to work with other employers too (most notably the "techies" and writers). Having acquaintances who work in game design, I wager a guess I have a very vague idea of the fact.


Testing by yourself is not bad... unless you think this alone would suffice. It would not. You need many different machines and playstyles. The author of a work of art has too much meta knowledge to review it fairly. How often have I been faced with themes I had no idea they existed in my writing? Countless times. You need other people.


Voicing. Let me tell you how horrible the Polish version of DAO is. Text boxes get tiring if you want much plot. It depends on the genre. One special case is Don't Starve (Together). Each character has a voice, but of a different instrument. The lines are customised too, but you never hear them spoken aloud. A human mind needs voice. The type is open for discussion though.


Overall, that exchange was interesting to read. You are just twenty-five... When you get my age, you will look at what you wrote in a very different way ;).

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