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Low Stat Effects


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Hey guys, I've been looking around the nexus a little and a found a few mods that add effects when you reach low health, but they just didn't seem to fit the bill for me. It would be a pretty immersive experience if your vision would be affected if you began to run low in a certain stat. Example: I'm getting my face beat in by a deadroth. My health is below 50%, so my character's vision gradually gets darker, and perhaps i even develop tunnel vision the lower my health goes. For magicka, Perhaps you would begin to see doubles because casting so many spells has exghausted your mind, and if your fatigue was below 50%, your vision would gradually become more blurry as you lost more and more of it. Is this possible, and perhaps without requiring OBSE? (I always seem to have problems with it.) Thanks! Edited by Flipout6
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