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UnrealScript Ext for ModBuddy


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Hi All!

We sponsored Alex, the original developer of the Real Script IDE, to migrate it to ModBuddy. This language extension adds intelliSense, AutoComplete, Snippets and Class outline functions to ModBuddy. It is confirmed working for Windows 7, 8 and 10. If you do experience an error, would you please post your results, your system spec, and a detailed description of the steps required to replicate the error? We'll regularly check this thread to provide updates, bug fixes, and work with the community to see what additional features would be useful for everyone.


Download from this link and follow the steps below:




1) Open folder <...>\SteamGames\SteamApps\common\XCOM 2 SDK\Binaries\Win32\ModBuddy\Extensions
2) Create subfolder UnrealScriptPackage1_0
3) Unzip file into UnrealScriptPackage1_0

4. Add <loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true" /> just below <runtime> (line 9 in my file) in your XCOM 2 SDK\Binaries\Win32\ModBuddy\XCOM ModBuddy.exe.config file (asking Firaxis to change this configuration in Vanilla ModBuddy but still needed as of 2 April 2016)

5. If you do not already have Microsoft Visual Studio (Community or Professional), you can download it for free. (Unfortunately this is still required as of 2 April 2016 until we figure out the exact dependencies needed)


You'll know it's working if you see:


A. The parsing progress in the status bar.



B. Fully highlighted syntax with additional colors like brown.





Many modders delete their XCOM 2 game files before submitting their mod to Steam or Nexus. Since Real Script IDE works by parsing the XCOM 2 game files each time you open ModBuddy, Alex has developed the following work around:


1. Download the new version from the link above (April 2nd 2016 version or beyond)

2. Remove your existing UnrealScriptPackage1_0 folder completely from ".../XCOM 2 SDK\Binaries\Win32\ModBuddy\Extensions (for those who are running our old version. Renaming the old version alone won't work. If you aren't running our old version, then you won't see this folder)

3. Open ModBuddy

4. Open a Default Mod (alternatively you can just open any one of your mods that you haven't removed the game files for)

5. Wait for the game files to parse before closing the default mod (shouldn't be required to keep the Default Mod open, but I'll double check)

6. Open your mod (the one you want to work on that doesn't have game files saved)


While it might be slightly annoying to have to open and close a Default Mod each time you launch ModBuddy, we deemed it the best way to keep the features in sync with any code updates from Firaxis. This way, when Firaxis releases an update, you can simply delete your old Default Mod, close ModBuddy, open ModBuddy, and create a new Default Mod to have immediately updated intelliSense and AutoComplete.


Known Issues:

1. IntelliSense could be stronger and Alex is working on a few XCOM 2 specific solutions.
2. This may be a "non issue", but now that the DOM is shared, we need to test for possible issues with overriden classes competing with vanilla XCOM 2 classes if you're working on more than mod at once. Let me know if you see this or any other DOM-sharing related issue happen.

Edited by TeamDragonpunk
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As stade in the other thread, working fine for me.

Autocomplete, intellisene, etc? Do you have the VS SDK 2015 installed? Do you mind if I ask what OS you're using?


Just saw your other thread. Glad that it's working for you. It seems it's not working on mine because I'm running Windows 7, which has older DLLs.

Edited by TeamDragonpunk
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Seems to be working for me in windows 10. And works pretty decently, once you get used to the changes ... now to figure out how to change the colors, as they don't look the way I want them to :-p

Alright, great to hear. I'll kindly ask him to post a quick tutorial on changing the colors lol. Are you getting everything from auto-complete to intelliSense?


Actually, what colors do you recommend?

Edited by TeamDragonpunk
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Well, I have a very different asthetic for coding, so would be best to not use mine ... and I think I might have been premature. I am not seeing autocomplete(at least not what I was used to in VS). I'm not sure about intellisense, I didn't use that feature a whole lot before, so i'm not sure what it should show me. Syntax highlighting shows up, and seems to work.


I do not see the extension listed in the extension manager? ...


And now after removing and readding I am getting assertion failures every time I try to type.


Edited by traenol
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