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[Mod Request] Witch hunter skirt removal

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  • 2 weeks later...

It can definitely be done as there are a couple mods that remove the skirt on various armors, most notably the bear school armor.


Personally though, I feel that these armors look kind of weird without the skirts and would rather them keep the skirts but that's just my personal preferene.


What I would really like though would be to be able to wear "kamas" which are skirt like armored pieces that go over the legs. They look really cool and are "split open" so they don't restrict movement at all and thus allow the wearer to easily run, dodge, roll, crouch, jump, and kick without getting impeded.


They can also be customized with various colors and patterns.







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  • 2 weeks later...

It can definitely be done as there are a couple mods that remove the skirt on various armors, most notably the bear school armor.


Personally though, I feel that these armors look kind of weird without the skirts and would rather them keep the skirts but that's just my personal preferene.


What I would really like though would be to be able to wear "kamas" which are skirt like armored pieces that go over the legs. They look really cool and are "split open" so they don't restrict movement at all and thus allow the wearer to easily run, dodge, roll, crouch, jump, and kick without getting impeded.


They can also be customized with various colors and patterns.







Yeah i know about the No skirt Bear armor. Made my own kind of custom armor from that below. But i really want removed skirt from Witch hunter because from this picture it looks pretty cool. it was intended to be in the final game but i guess the devs added a skirt to it.

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