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Oblivion graphice extender V2


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My rig.


Core I7 @ 3.6


6GB DDR3 1333 Corsair


Geforce GTX 470 OC


I am using graphics extender with some of the nice shaders.


Problem i have is when i have Bokeh_Hexagon_DoF.fx and HBAO.fx it kills my frames. With these 2 off with my options tweaked nicely i get 60 fps mainly with a dip to 55 here and their. With the 2 shaders between 20 and 30 fps dipping as low as 15 fps in certain area's. HBAO is a major killing in fps. Would adding another 470 for sli help a lot?

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In Oblivion's case I don't think SLI would do much for your performance. Try using Volumetric SSAO instead of HBAO, or not using DoF. I personally don't like DoF because I feel in Oblivion it's more distracting and doesn't add much to the gameplay experience. Also make sure SSAO is disabled in the nVidia Control Panel, otherwise it will be doing two SSAO passes instead of one, and you can imagine that being a large drain on performance.
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