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[OFFICIAL] Star Trek Mod


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Hey there thanks for your interest in this mod.

It still exists and I am still thinking of more content for it.

But as it's christmas soon and I have to prioritise things this is on hold for a little while.


More information about this and my other projects is available on my recent blog here

Also words cannot describe the immense feeling I get when I see peoples content appear, Murfy's work is absolutely fantastic and if you love Star Trek definitely download them. They go well with the Star Trek Races resource too!

Star Trek Uniforms: http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39982

Star Trek Races: http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41996

Edited by KDStudios
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I have some Enterprise gun models and textures that I got from a friend on another site, I'm sure he would not mind if they were brought into the weapon mod.. I know I would love to see them.. I have to admit, I was disappointed when I saw the boxes outside the shuttle, rather than the rear door being open and finding the crates inside as if they were just stowed in the shuttle. I enjoy seeing the work you guys do to add Star Trek to Fallout, makes it far more fun! :thumbsup:
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Nevermind, I have the models rigged up in game now.. (MACO Pulse Rifle, Class 3 Pulse Rifle and the Phase Pistol) All Enterprise era weapons..
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Sure, just give me a few minutes.. I do have two issues that I will need help with if anyone want's to do so.. 1) Can't find proper sounds for the exact gun.. 2) The grip animation is crap, the foregrip is too far away from the hand and I can't fix it..


I am going to hopefully get the EM-33 and Vulcan Phaser done soon enough.. Also need better firing appearance and to make the sniper variant of the MACO rifle and maybe make ingame mods to improve the gun..

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Sorry, had to go for a bit and ME3 has also distracted me.. As promised..


MACO Pulse Rifle



Class 3 Pulse Rifle



Phase Pistol


Edited by Roman Legion
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Those look very good!

I'll try answering to what you need:

1) Gun sounds have always been a problem. We can't use the originals due to copyright and there is very little sound resources out there for Star Trek (Besides TOS era sounds).

The chances of using sounds similar to the originals is very unlikely but I am always trying to find ways to get it to work out.

2) Roguehallow, the creator of the RH Ironsights mod for Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Kindly made a grip animation for the Type II phaser model we have. Which looks absolutely fantastic. (Refer to Bajoran Image01)

I haven't spoken to him in quite a while, but he's the best person I can think of who could get the grip animations looking just right. I suggest sending him a message and enquire about it. But it's possible he may be too busy.


Still, loving the images and gun models.

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I just wish I could find a good reference picture for a MACO camouflage pattern texture.. I am surprised nobody has made any Enterprise stuff up to this point or Farscape or even Stargate mods.. I want to try modifying the MACO Pulse Rifle into the sniper variant found in the series as well as add a scope to the Class 3. I have the EM-33 now, but I need to work on the texture.


Here are some new pictures of both the EM-33 and the MACO EM-33 Plasma Pistols.. Oh, and a picture of the MACO Pulse Rifle in combat.. (I need to reduce the shine in the two pistols below..)


Starfleet EM-33 Plasma Pistol:



MACO EM-33 Plasma Pistol:



MACO Pulse Rifle (In Combat)


Edited by Roman Legion
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Got my sniper rifle version of the MACO rifle, Andorian Carbine, Vulcan phaser and a special Peacekeeper Pulse Rifle from Farscape.. :biggrin: Working on The ENT era uniform.. Wish I had a MACO uniform and pattern for texture, but I'll take what I can get.. I am trying to figure out how the uniforms I think you posted the pips worked as I will try to do the same thing.. :happy: Edited by Voivre
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