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Face messed up


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LoL first time see something like this :D

I think SceneGG is right you applied wrong mod to your game.

Try to "reset " the face in options and see if that will help if not use Oblivion Mod Manager/Wrye Bash to check for conflicts.

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This is you, on acid! hahaaha. They should make a mod where you can start tripping, and everyones face messes up like this, and the buildings start pulsating and wobbling, cobblestones moving up and down like pistons and the sky is rotating, while every sound that you hear becomes visually manifested like waves of energy.
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  • 6 years later...

ITS HIDEOUS. ITS UGLIER THAN ELF BOWLING THE MOVIE CHARACTER DESIGNS. you get a reward for ugliest character. and if emporer uriel septim saw this in his dreams then hes got some nightmares i can tell you that. its such nightmare fuel that you can use it as a substitute for vehicle fuel

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