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Horse and carriage caravans


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I never really got why saddlebags were the only way caravaners used their brahmin... Especially since the destroyed caravans you find with Cass in her quest have carts with them.


It might be a lot of work to make, I'm not sure, but I think it'd be perfectly doable to make a new brahmin creature with a card attached to it as part of the animal's base mesh.

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Horse and carriage caravans.Or brahmin and carriage.

Get them moving.

I have a thread up, where one can post ideas they want for caravans and merchants with carts, it is located here, Wagons, carts etc in NV.


If your genuinely interested in seeing this happen, the best way to motivate me to complete the project is some great ideas.















It might be a lot of work to make, I'm not sure, but I think it'd be perfectly doable to make a new brahmin creature with a card attached to it as part of the animal's base mesh.

If you had someone like mindboggles to setup a new creature (because you need a new, custom, skeleton and animations) it can be done correctly, but it's problematic (and less than perfect) with existing resources or using a script based solution (both have advantages and disadvantages and both fall short on the quality control front).

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