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Dialogue help Geck


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For a mod I am making i need to make it so hat you have to get this guy a drink and I can't figure out how to make it so it is required to carry on the conversation, I already have it so it removes the drink from the players inventory but at the moment You can complete that stage of dialogue with out it as well, I need it so that it is necessary to have the drink.

just wondering if anyone could help me with this

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All dialogue is best created through the use of quests. Whatever point in the quest you will require the player to give the NPC a drink, you'll probably need two topics: If the player has the drink, what will the NPC say? If the player doesn't have the drink, then what will the NPC say?


So when you have the two topics, you'll need to create the Conditions. Is there a specific drink the NPC wants?

Lets say the NPC will only accept whiskey.

Click on the dialogue line that accepts the drink from the player. Under the conditions window, make a new condition - GetItemCount. Click the box and look for the whiskey item. Change the '==' to be '>='. Select the Run On dropbox, select reference. In the 188 block scroll down and find PlayerRef. It should now read "GetItemCount Whiskey >= 1" . Basically in English it's saying 'If the player has 1 or more bottles of whiskey, then the NPC will be able to say this line'.


Now you repeat the process (can just copy and paste the condition) for the other topic where the player does not have any whiskey. The only change needed is '== 1' into '< 1'.


To remove the bottle of whiskey from the player's inventory, you'll need to type

 Player.RemoveItem Whiskey 1 

in the Result Script box for the right topic. (I'm not sure what the editor ID of whiskey is though.)


Make sure the topics are top-level or otherwise linked in dialogue.


Edit: I re-read and you already know this

Edited by PaladinRider
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Thank you I did look through the conditions for something like that but I must of missed it, anyway kudos to you for writing such a detailed explanation


edit: just realised you are the author of Run the Lucky 38 love that mod, just had to tell you :biggrin:

Edited by GuerillaWarlord
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