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Greetings, no matter how many times i try i can't seem to get awakenings installed, i go so far thru the process and then im told it has failed, does anyone have any advice for me? :confused:
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I already said "Welcome!" so this time it's, "Hi again, SpyGirL";


You don't say what type of install you're trying, (retail disc/Steam/D2D/EADM) or which OS (XP/Vista/Win7). The troubleshooting steps vary, depending.


Let us know, and we'll see if we can help! :thumbsup:

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Im wondering where i can download a credible copy from, any ideas?


yay i bought some points and am doing the witch hunt quest, i recommend spending that £4.00 :thumbsup:

Edited by SpyGirL
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Im wondering where i can download a credible copy from, any ideas?


yay i bought some points and am doing the witch hunt quest, i recommend spending that £4.00 :thumbsup:

Glad you're enjoying WH. It's not my favorite DLC, but only because there's not enough of the Witch after all that Hunting. :laugh:


Regarding your previous post, (now removed) and your query in this one: I'm not sure if you're really mean what it sounds like you're saying. (But if so, that would be very, very bad.)


So, presuming that you want to stay on the right side of everything (this site's rules, the law, etc.) try here: "EA's EU site - DA Awakening". You can download it directly from the EA store. :thumbsup:

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