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Fallout 3 Zombies Help


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So I am currently in the process of making a mod for fallout that is inspired by Nazi Zombies from the CoD series. Here are a few of my ideas and what I need help with. I would appreciate any feedback or advice on what I am doing/what I should do.

-When I walk through the door to teleport me to my Zombie map I would like the door to lock behind me and my inventory to be wiped.

-I want there to be some way that the ghouls (which will represent the zombies) would have to break down something in their way, or some way to stall them at a door/window.

-Any tips on implementing a score point system would help. Right now I just go with each ghoul dropping 100 caps or so depending on how strong each one is, and you use those caps to purchase weapons. Which leads me to my next problem.

-Using terminals possibly to purchase a random weapon that spawns in a location next to the terminal, and also having a certain weapon to purchase next to the terminal. Is that possible?


And that's pretty much what I have thought of so far. If you would like to put your input on what I should do or advice on how to do some of these things I would really appreciate it! Thanks again.


EDIT: This has been moved from the Mod Talk board since this is more of a troubleshooting problem than discussion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know you can buy from a terminal, it could unlock a container nearby and instead of requiring a password key it could require some caps. I don't know about random weapons though.

Do you know how I would set it up so that instead of requiring a lockpick skill, it will automatically deduct the caps from your inventory when you go into the terminal?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Unfortunately, I have no clue. I would think use a copy of one like the terminal in the Overseer's office, and change the script from opening the tunnel to opening a container with a weapon in it. About the caps, maybe take the script of a terminal that removes something from your inventory and instead have it remove the amount of caps you want.
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