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The Nexus Notifier?


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Have you guys ever though of making a small stand alone program that sort of works like Steam? It would basically scan, and keep track of your installed mods, then notify you if there we any updates. Maybe have forum links related to your installed mods, news and updates, user CP, the chat feature, etc...


I mean people would still come to Nexus to do what ever they needed but it would just keep track of all the stuff going on with the site from day to day. And even more so let you keep track of the area's the user is mostly interested in.



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A program to do that would be unlikely.


Although personally I believe the "Tracking" feature in the site works perfectly as is.

It tells you ALL the updates mods you track have. Whether it's description, new image or a new file.

There's also the "Updated Files" section of the nexus that has that too.


All it takes is someone to click once and see the recent changes in mods they enjoy.

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