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How to make Boone's rifle (not) automatic?


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Apparently something I did or some mod I have makes boone's hunting rifle automatic, and I can't figure out which one it is or whether it was a modification I made to the FalloutNV.esm myself awhile back. Basically, Boone's hunting rifle is still technically semi-automatic (I guess), but no longer bolt action like it is supposed to be, and as a result I frequently see boone unloading a full clip of bullets in under a half second.


I remember that the option to toggle whether a weapon needs to have its slide cocked/pumped/whatever on the first tab in GECK, but my geck is broken and I can't figure out which variable is actually used by the game, so I can't use FNV edit to fix the problem. I have a feeling that the variable is "semi-automatic fire delay min" which is set to zero for me (can someone check this?), but I don't see any variable which actually tells boone to cock the bolt, so that the animation would play correctly.


For anyone willing to help, Boone's rifle is:


FormID: 00CE549

EditorID: WeapBooneSniperRifle

Name: Boone's Scoped Hunting Rifle

Path: FalloutNV.esm\Weapon\WepBooneSniperRifle




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Why not just get the latest GECK? Sounds like you got hit by patch 1.3 like everyone else.





I tried several times, but got an install error (.ini not found, something something) every time I tried. I heard somewhere about fixing it by replacing the readme file, but I couldn't find a copy of that anywhere, and heard it didn't work for most people anyway.


I even tried reinstalling GECK then updating again, but it didn't help.


Edit- Nevermind! that link worked. I guess I had tried to re-download the wrong version again.


If someone could screenshot the weapon page for the rifle anyway for me, that would be a huge help =)

Edited by nitetrain8
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Bingo. There are actually two pages on Bethesda's site which look identical, but one points at the 1.1 GECK and the other at the 1.3 GECK. Last I looked at the link with .html at the end instead of .php, it still had the wrong version. And, sad to say, people still pass that link around lots.


Edit: and unless you somehow managed to actually edit the FalloutNV.esm, you don't need anyone's screenshot. Just load the .esm and don't select any active .esp files, and you'll see the base definition of that weapon.

Edited by Moraelin
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I have no idea how it happened. Maybe it was a side effect of one of the mods I have editing actual data files rather than just acting as an .esp or .esm.


All I know is that even with all my mods turned off, Boone starts rapid firing of his gun like a madman with his already-overpowered accuracy. Its fun with 10 charisma watching him solo packs of deathclaws by himself, but it really does upset game balance to have him kill everything within a hundred yard radius before I even notice it.


I had thought it was related to "New Vegas Realistic Battle and Dynamic Combat" (pnv.esp), but even turning that off and reinstalling (unrelated reasons) didn't fix it, so I'm not sure. That mod contained no files in addition to the .esp so I'm not sure what's up.

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Well I partially fixed it, maybe. He only rapid-fires shots while standing up.


If he's crouched, or crouch-moving, he fires like normal. I don't know if I didn't notice that's how it always was or if I actually changed something, but now I have no idea what's going on.

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That's what happened then, and it explains why a reinstall didn't fix it.


Long story short, I had on my first install, installed several mods of the type which simply added or changed files in the data folder (meshes/textures/sound) which I didn't want to fuss about trying to figure out which I was missing for my new install, so I copy/pasted those folders into a separate folder, uninstalled, reinstalled, copy/pasted back, updated to 1.6, and proceeded to install my new mods. The idea was than any files which had been changed from vanilla fallout would be changed, and anything changed by update 1.6 would then be adjusted by the update so that there would be no problems playing the game (it has worked so far beautifully, by the way).


So, how then do I get the default animation back? I am pretty sure it was this mod:




If that is indeed the problem. Specifically, the standing-aiming-idle animation (second row, middle image on "image" tab).

Edited by nitetrain8
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