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Howard Hughes in New Vegas


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Here is something weird I have found. I may be nutz BUT doesnt MR. House in Vegas look a lot like Howard Hughes??? 8) Those of you my age (53 or older) will know who he is. Those that dont... he was a famously rich guy back in the early 30's to late 70's. Hughes founded many modern day defence contractor companies, Hughes Aircraft among them, and he was the designer of the Spruce Goose...largest flying boat that flew ONCE only in Long Beach harbor in the 30's or 40's. Also owned a motion picture studio. (you can Google him for more info and a pic's) He did become a recluse there in Las Vegas at the end of his life. Below is a pic I found of him ..not the best one BUT I think there is a resemblance to Mr. House
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It's not just looks; his personality matches that of Mr. Hughes.


Hell, even the painting in House's resort is a parody of a famous portrait of Hughes.


It's completely intentional. You're supposed to realize the connection.

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It's not just looks; his personality matches that of Mr. Hughes.


Hell, even the painting in House's resort is a parody of a famous portrait of Hughes.


It's completely intentional. You're supposed to realize the connection.

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It was called the Land Mark Hotel in real life. Hughs did not actually build it. I lived in North Las Vegas when I was a kid for a couple of years when the Land Mark was first opened. It was a loser even before it opened. It sat around empty and unfinished for awhile. Hughs bought it and finished it. It changed hands quite a few times really . Hughs only owned it for a few years himself and dumped it later.


It was really unique though in those days in the sense of appearance. Jetsons space age type look. It really looked cool at night from a distance.

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