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A base building quest request


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Hello, I've been considering this mod request for a little bit but haven't really had a chance to figure it out until recently while playing Honest Hearts. Essentially, this is then entire game condensed into a small format - the NCR versus the Legion versus self-interest. This mod should begin with the player getting a message from the NCR about a new outpost (for now, Outpost Omega) being set up and that anyone interested in being a part of this should go there. Upon getting there, all you see is basically a few tents and barricades. Three guards patrol the area along with the Commanding Officer (Ezekiel Kane). When you get there, with a high enough perception or intelligence, you can tell that this man is an alcoholic and negotiate a better deal for yourself by impressing him with you obvious comprehension, or you can pick this up when speaking to the other guards later (after many years of fighting, he is suffering from P.T.S.D. and can barely function without alcohol). The guards are: Michael Stanley (a farm boy), Jesse Carlton (a daughter of shopkeepers), and David Green (a blacksmith). Each were unhappy being where they were and joined up with the NCR hoping for adventure. Instead, they all somehow managed to piss off the wrong people. Michael killed the son of a major who was trying to rape a young woman and the only reason he wasn’t killed himself or put in prison was that the whole thing was documented – that didn’t stop the major from putting him on his s#&t list. Jesse noticed that resources were being stolen from the base she was stationed at and revealed this to her CO who promptly threatened her and sent her away because she had found out about the black market ring that he was the head of. David was working in the armory and noticed that some of the armor being sent out to the enlisted was of poor quality and when he raised a fuss, was sent to the outpost so that no one would know. Omega was basically designed to be a meat grinder, a beacon for legion forces to attack and draw off from other locations. Everyone who gets sent to this base is being sent to die. Upon getting there, you are tasked with helping set up the base camp which means weapons, supplies, and building material. Michael acts as a general worker and later, farmer. Jesse will be the shopkeeper and accountant. David will be the one who makes everything around the base. (If you help the core four npcs with their back story they become either really great soldiers or you can influence them to become really bad as people, not just soldiering). The more materials you get, the better the construction looks until you have the nucleus of a working base, not dissimilar to the ones dotting New Vegas. At this point, you will be approached by a Legion spy who offers you cash incentives to sabotage the base. For example, when the base is being set up, Michael request canned food and water to shore up the meager supplies. If you agree to help the legion, the food and water is tainted causing a health and perception penalty to the people on base. Alternatively, you can get really good stuff and cause a bonus instead. At a certain point, the base begins to expand and more guards come. You can influence this by hiring really good guards are really bad ones (essentially raiders) (this will be an either/or situation you head to a mercenary group leader and hire the group, not individuals). The goods ones are more expensive, but are very effective. The bad ones will offer a cash incentive to hire them but are terrible. Several side missions later (several come to mind but I won’t post them at this time), the base becomes a major military installation or a total s#&t hole. You can also negotiate with several trading partners to make the base into a trade hub, lowering prices for everything among other benefits. If you do well, the base looks like a metal fortress with high walls and patrolling guards. Inside are several buildings (armory, generators, hospital, mess hall, co quarters), surrounding a large tower like structure that is both the main living quarters for the base and also a lookout point. At a certain milestone, the legion decides to attack the base and either take it over if it’s completely built up, or raze everything if it isn’t. . If the base got fresh water and food, you completely upgraded the walls, installed drones and turrets, and upgraded the armor and weapons of the guards, they withstand the onslaught and the base is saved. If you are helping the legion, you can sabotage the base allowing the legion to wipe everyone out and take over operating it. The end rewards are that if you signed up with the NCR, you get 5% of the money generated (10 if you negotiated at the beginning). You can get a large sum from the legion (say, $10,000+ - I’m not really sure what would be considered a good amount here to make you want to work with the legion) or you can basically play off both sides and make a large sum of money also. I realize that this concept isn’t new, but I think it fits pretty well in-game. A suitable location could be Outpost Charlie, or in Honest Hearts, something like The Aerie. If anyone should want to do this and/or wants information please let me know. Thanks for reading!
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