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Ok this is the problem that I have, and its a bit hard for me to do.


I have some experiances with mods but only in regards to installing them. I have OMOD & OBSE.


NOW to main problem i have is i need to get CM partners, sexlivion, sexdarkness, belda elysium, Gonzo's angelina jolie mod, adult book store, cernasites oracle and dragon eyes, reznod mannequin's, Harts boners, classic books, and elaborate eyes to all work together, as well as a mod that will allow children into the game so when your (female either as NPC or PC) partner gets pregnant you will have a kid in the game.

now i can see the kid as a baby being stuck in a crib and such for a period of time till they can walk and such. then the kid mod takes over from that and you got a rugrat running around lol.


What i need to know is there any serious modder out there who can combine these mods as well as allow other NPC mods like the CM partners to be able to be added in it as well, or just the angelina mod. i like her as the vampire bit cause it makes her look more sexy. I have all these mods installed and loaded right, but i am having trouble with the sex part (doesn't quite work right and the views are messed up) and the messed up part is that my char doesn't even move from standing to the other positions. he just stands there and does nothing. If ANYONE can help me please let me know or how to load these mods in a certain order so i can get them to work right.


I am also having certain terrains around the world show 2 diffrent levels of view. the actuall level i walk on no problem but there is a no clipp terrain on some parts of the world and in the citys and i just walk through those. any help would be GREATLY appreciated and i would go to you for mods and such from here on. I would become a DIE HARD fan of your work. =) yuo can message me here or at Srhill78 at yahho. i look forward to your response.

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Well, two things stick out.


(1) You are almost certainly going to need to install Wrye Bash, and learn how to use it to help the mods play nice.


(2) There aren't currently any pregnancy/childbirth/babies/kids mods as the potential for abuse is considered too high. There's a pregnant body and pregnant dress mod for HGEC but that's more or less it. There are also a few sex mods, such as Claudia's Little Secret, which can be downloaded here, but the ones from Japanese/Russian sites often contain content taken from other mods without permission and are not supported here.


Basically, if a mod isn't available on the Nexus, we can't give you support. Certain mods will get you banned from the site for asking about them (and ignoring a warning once).

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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(1) You are almost certainly going to need to install Wrye Bash, and learn how to use it to help the mods play nice.


TJ - this much i kinda figured on but was hopeing i wouldn't have to. i have a hard time as it is trying to get my mods to work. =/


(2) There aren't currently any pregnancy/childbirth/babies/kids mods as the potential for abuse is considered too high. There's a pregnant body and pregnant dress mod for HGEC but that's more or less it. There are also a few sex mods, such as Claudia's Little Secret, which can be downloaded here, but the ones from Japanese/Russian sites often contain content taken from other mods without permission and are not supported here.


TJ - well i did find a mod that allows you to have a NPC pregnant but i got too many glitches with it. th ekind of mod i would like help in making is basicaly a mod that lets you raise a family and do quests for it to give a active roleplaying to it. i think its kind of fun when the wife in game tells you to go find some milk when the kid is hungry to last a few days and some herbs in case th echild gets sick, which when they grow up they can join you on your quest along with the wife for the finaly end game bit if you wanted. i didn't know about claudia's little secret though. i knew about sexlivion and sexdarkness though and they work somewhat ok but are still buggy here and there. =/

primarily i usally play 3 kinds of chars, the standards of D&D would be neutral, lawful good and chatoic/lawful evil (the chaotic evil would just kill anyone who pisses him off or fails to pay him or if the pay isn't goo enough. lol), those are the main roles i play on games like these. but in heart i am more of a lawful neutral with good tendancys. lol as i see it anyone who makes a mod where you can rape kids should be dragged out in the street with a scyth through there ankles and then shot in each joint making them beg for death. thats what i would do in my chaotic evil side (for just the pure pleasure of torturing those SOB's who hurt kids in real life.) cause its more easier and safer for me to deal with that kind of s*** cause i had a best friend who was abused like that who later took his life. thats one thing i wont' tolerate anyone doing to my kids if i ever find out. the law will never find his/her body.

Edited by tullinjr
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