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Question about utility programs and MGSO

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Hi, everyone. A little background here: I'm brand new to Morrowind modding or installing mods of any kind, but I'm not new to vanilla Morrowind by a long shot. I spent countless hours playing years ago on xbox.

I apologize if I'm posting this in the wrong place. I'm brand new to nexus as well.

I'm playing the GOG GOTY version on a cruddy 2009 dell laptop that seems to run vanilla with no problems.

I spent a lot of time reading tons of guides and readmes, but obviously trying to catch up with 14 years of modding is gonna have a little bit of a learning curve especially for someone who just installed their 1st PC game. Lol

Yes, I am that far behind. I'll be grateful if you assume that I know absolutely nothing. Sorry for being long-winded.

Ok here's my questions.

I installed MGSO 3.0.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that it added all the utility programs like mlox, wrye, and tes3cmd as well as the MCP and MGE.

Obviously I want all these tools and definitely the code patch, but I really just don't care about graphics. I'm definitely going to use better heads and bodies or equivalent mods, but only because other mods I'm interested in assume you use them.

Can I just remove the mods added by MGSO that I don't want as I would remove any other mod? The installation seems to give you the option to incluse or not include some, but not all of the mods it adds. Or maybe I'm wrong about that.

Can I just unchecked the ones I don't want as per usual? Or has MGSO altered things in such a way that removing individual components will screw the whole thing up?

I kinda want to just add only the mods of my own choosing and start from scratch, but I really like how MGSO has already installed all the utilities for me.

Would it be better to do a clean install of the game and then manually install the utilities and MCP separately from MGSO?


Does this even make sense or am I over thinking here?

I don't need every surface in the game to be retextured. Doesn't really matter to me. Better faces and bodies and maybe an older lower res armor replacer would be fine for me.

Or is that all just a bunch of dumb, uninformed opinions?

I understand that poly count and complex scripts are what slow you down and it looks like the best armor replacers get a little more advanced with the poly counts, so that's why I'm wary of them.

If that's totally wrong, lemme know.

Sorry again for the meandering post. I have so many questions, but I really try my best to find answers online and in readmes before asking on a forum.

I just couldn't find a clear cut answer about removing individual pieces of MGSO and how that affects things.

Thanks in advance for any and all replies and superuberultra thanks to all the modders who've given me almost a decade and a half of toys to play with.

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If you want more control over which mods you want, then its better to install them manually and not through MGSO. MGSO is really limited in choices and the installer has some bugs and it is also slightly outdated. Most of the utilities are updated and as are some of the mods in MGSO.

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