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Greed Mode


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So today I was think that a greed mode mod would be pretty cool.


Here are a couple idea's to better explain the idea,

1. Get rid of XP and only allow gaining perks by spending gold and have the price increase by a certain percent each level. (I seen a mod earlier that has potions that gives perk points so maybe something like that.)

2. Only allow leveling up skills at trainers. (You may need to allow more times trained to balance this.)

3. Make all enemies drop gold and raise the amount of gold other enemies drop. (For balancing purposes.)

4. Raise the prices of all items at shops.

5. Lower the gold you get when you sell items.

6. If you really want to go deep into this mod you can even replace the death mechanic to re-spawning the player outside their current cell without any of their gold.

7. Give the player a base health of 50 and remove any way of increasing it but add something that will raise your health depending on the amount of gold in your inventory.

8. Remove being able to raise stamina, mana, and carry weight at level ups and instead do the same thing as the perks.


I am sure someone could go even deeper with this but I just came up with a couple ideas earlier today.

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