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Rescue XCOM Veteran Soldier = VIP Mission alternative


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Just thinning it might be cool to do a VIP rescue operation, where the VIP is actually an XCOM Veteran Soldier (coolest of all would be if it imported one of your XCOM EU/EW soldiers, but that's probably to much to ask)


Rather than veteran soldiers just randomly appearing on screen after missions or suddenly appearing at the HQ or Black Market, how about a rescue run, where you actually get the soldier at the end?


Even better if he actually joined your squad after you unlock his/her "cell". Implemented similar to the forced extra squad member = the Commander's Avatar - in the final mission, they would have a basic set of Squaddie Level skills and equipment for their class until you got them 'home'.


Would make getting characters from your character pool so much more fun and interesting, and "flesh out" the rather tedious and repetitive VIP missions currently in game.

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