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Companions revive player


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So, there's a lot of games out there that have a revival system that let you bring back friendly players from the edge of death. and in fallout, you can do that for your companions. but why is it that companions won't do it for you?


I don't know about the rest of you all, but I hardly ever give my human companions stimpacks. mostly because I never feel like I'm in a situation that they absolutely need them (They don't stay dead and I'm the only one who uses them in a way that's conservative). but if my companion could feasibly stimpack me, instead of me dying from a shoulder graze, or in survival mode, or if I just stimpacked myself seconds before being grazed by a "nearly fatal" bullet maybe I alone can prevent dying all-together.


This probably isn't gonna work till the CK but... hey? now it's bouncing around in other people's heads?

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