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I just started trying to install Oblivion Mods today. I've downloaded the files, and simply copy-pasted them into


Program files(x86)/Bathesda Softworks/Oblivion/Data


At this point, they are still compressed. Both WinZip and seven Zip are having errors when I say to "extract here", and they do not show up in the Data Files on the startup tab for the game. WinZip suggests that "Administrative permission may be required", but this is my personal computer - I am an Amdin.

What am I doing wrong? Can somebody walk me through my first steps here? Thanks!

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Welcome, JDMatt!


You posted your query in the general Site Feedback and Questions area, so I moved it here where it belongs.


(I don't have or play Oblivion, so hope someone here can help you.)

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If you're running Vista or 7 and you installed into Program Files, you may have to set permissions. Right-click on the Oblivion folder, click Properties, click the Security tab, click Edit..., select Users from the top list box, check the box under Allow next to Full control, and apply the changes.


Or, you could just reinstall Oblivion to a folder outside of Program Files, but the above method only takes 10 seconds compared to potentially 15 minutes spent reinstalling.

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