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Mod help


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Hi all,


I am a long time fan of Fallout3, but have never had the chance to play it properly. For one reason or another I have had issue, after issue, after issue with the game, and have spent more time looking at mod descriptions than actually playing.


I don’t want to do this anymore, I desperately want to just PLAY Fallout 3… finally!


I have bought myself a nice new shiny Fallout GOTY edition, so I now have everything, and it’s all installed and patched to 1.7!


Now here’s what I really want from this game, and the reason I’m here to ask the mod community for help because I am just so confused by how much the ‘major overhauls’ do that I am thinking I don’t really want to use one of those at all! I would like to use mods because I think they have a lot to offer the game, but as a fairly new-comer to this it all seems so incredibly complicated that I don’t know where to start… That’s hopefully where you kind folk could help me :)


So here goes… How do I accomplish all this…


I want to do away with ‘leveled creatures and npc’s’ (I really don’t like this style of gaming, I want to become tough and be able to kill things with one shot when I’m tough enough’ I want to feel my character grow in strength, and not always be bashing at monsters that are always just tough enough to give me a fight! Leveled lists… I want them gone!)


I want to have companions, not overpowered ones, just companions that can help me thorough out the game and DLC. (Being able to hire help has always appealed to me. Note that I don’t actually know if this is part of the vanilla game/DLC or not as I have never played far enough through)


I want to have a place of my own that I can store items in. I want to be able to craft there too. (This area of the game I would love to be fully featured – I did look at the ‘Real Time Settler’ mod for this but felt that it may be a little overkill. I did love the idea of being able to create your own place though – albeit a village! :))


I would like a GOOD weapon mod that makes weapons sound and feel more powerful. (and hence more useful. Weapon mods in my view need to be done extremely well, are there any out there?)


I would like a good working economy, one that I can use to my advantage. (I don’t mind going out and lookin for/farming items for profit. I actually quite like it. But I want it to feel that it’s worthwhile. I don’t want a broken economy that would ruin the game for me.


There are some other things I’d like, but I think browsing the mods some more is on the cards for me anyway, so I’ll look some up.


I think all I really want from you guys is some suggestions on mods that may help make the game more like I want it above. Mods that play nicely together etc.


Thanks for your help in advance all,



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