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Increase Voices


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  • 2 weeks later...
I second this request. It seems the voice volume is tied in with the normal sound volume slider, meaning it will often be drowned out by the music (unless you keep that very low, in which case sound effects will be too high in comparison). A separate option to change only the voice volume, or a mod that raises its default value a couple of notches above the sound effects level, would be superb. Just 'enabling subtitles' is not a solution; in a well voice-acted game such as this, you want to hear the acting, not just read it.
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  • 1 month later...

I totally agree with the comment and request on this one... the volume balance is really horrible... and with only music and sfx... voice seems to be tied with one or the other... and not balanced at all...


So if a mod fixing this was possible... it would be awesome! :)

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