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Dragon's Dogma quick companion commands to Skyrim<- is it posible?


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While I was playing DDDA I found it really useful when my party immediately acted to the quick commands. There were 3 commands:

F1 for "Go!" = basically "go charge the enemy u mudda f*#@as !!! "
F2 for "Come" = which actually makes them stop battling and flee from the combat zone
And the most awesome
F3 for "HELP!" = which translates " ARE U FCKING BLIND?! HEAL ME ALREADY!"

so this being said... XD i think it would be awesome if you could do this in skyrim, cuz i find it annoying how AI fallowers respond to ur acctions :< like randmly doing stuff :\

P.S. idk if there is already a mod like this XD i found at some point a mod that used a script to overtire the "hold >E< key on ur champ and then make him wait somewhere or make him attack" and make it something like " basically the same thing, and the only new thing that it does is that u can instantly trade with ur follower by holding that short-key while being in front of him/her"

which i don't find useful cuz it doesn't help you in combat, also that thing it doesn't work cuz i use UFO, so if this is posible it also has to be compatible with UFO :c


P.P.S Also if out of combat when u would press help command, the support class in ur party would actually buff you with stuff, in skyrim's case would be the courage spell or armor improvement, or if u have some lost hp, the supp class could heal u a bit, idk something like that :-??

Edited by Errim
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