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Several requests


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Hello everyone


I just want to ask for a three mods they are not very big, but I can't find it anywhere

1)Khajiit diversity. As everybody know(I think), there are many forms of Khajiits. Not only the Suthay we play in oblivion, but many others. Such as Ohmes and Senche. I tried to find plugin that add it bt find only Ohmes,,, So can anyone made a plugin that will add other khajiit form in game? Here more information about logically addible forms)


Ohmes - Similar in many ways to the Bosmer, although generally of lesser stature. In order to avoid being mistaken as one of the Bosmer many Ohmes tattoo their faces to resemble a feline-aspect. The Ohmes is the most common form seen outside of the province of Elsweyr, taking advantage of other races' preference to their appearance to serve in positions of ambassadorship and trade. It is possible that the Ohmes are the type of Khajiit in Arena.

In game: As they are an embassador and traders so they have good Personality and bonuses to Mercantile, Speechcraft. Also maybe some bonuses to athletic and acrobatic(they are cats!). And of cource good agility and speed stat


Ohmes-raht - Similar to the race of men, save for their short, light-colored fur, the Ohmes-raht may easily be mistaken as men at a distance. Unlike the many other species of Khajiit, who walk, like cats, upon the balls of their feet, the Ohmes-raht walk upon their heels. The Ohmes-raht are most likely the type of Khajiit in the game Daggerfall.


Cathay - A Khajiiti form determined by Lunar Lattice (ja'Kha'jay): when moon Masser is waxing and Secunda is full. Similar to the Suthay-raht in appearance and bi-pedalism, however they possess greater stature and strength.

In game:


Cathay-raht - A Khajiiti form determined by Lunar Lattice (ja'Kha'jay): when moons Masser and Secunda are waxing. Larger and stronger than the Cathay, the Cathay-raht are often described by non-Khajiit races as "jaguar-men". Whether this implies that the Cathay-raht are a spotted breed or not is unknown.


Mane - A Mane can be born only under a rare alignment of Masser and Secunda when, according to legend, a third moon appears in the sky. In olden times, the Khajiit would shave off their own manes in deference to the Mane, braiding them into locks that he would incorporate into his own, gigantic mane. Over time, as the population grew, this ritual became impractical. Thus, while all Khajiit continue to remove their manes in deferential respect,


2)Can somebody create this costumes from Perfect World? For Roberts male V5(muscular) and HGEC c-cup standart bottom





P.S. For those who never played perfect world - animal ears and tails are part of the race bodies!


3)Clothers from Japanese audiodorama Cherry Girls(thats my friend request. She doesn't speak English)

Edited by Timarot
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These are no small requests :)

A custom armor set is hard, only a few modders can do that - and a custom race is even harder.

Id suggest browsing tesnexus - tabaxi has a cat-like race, though its probly not what you requested

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