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Multiple ammo per shot recovery (request/possibly already exists?)


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According to the fallout wiki, firing an energy weapon that uses multiple ammo per shot (which is most non-laser weapons) can only yield a maximum of one drained cell regardless of how many ammo was consumed. What I'm hoping for is a mod that changes it to roll for a chance to get a drained cell based on ammo used instead of shots fired, so that, for instance, shooting the YCS/186 gets you 4 35% chances of returning drained cells instead of just 1 chance at 1 cell.


Honestly, this feels like something so obvious that there must already be a mod out there for it, assuming it's doable. I haven't been able to find anything, though, so maybe the mod would be impractical to make, or no one's thought of it yet, or I'm just bad at finding relevant keywords. I'm hoping it's the latter.

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never thought about it, but yeah, i'd assume it's doable. I'll check it out in the geck and see what can be done about it





Alright, so heres some info for ya. The game's function to get drained cells and bullet casings is not in the weapon's information at all, but rather the ammo itself. So, to see that function, you go to AmmoMicroFusionCell and you can see there is a 35% chance of getting a DrainedMicrofusionCell. The only altercation available here is to make the percentage higher or lower, or to change the possible loot you get. for instance, you could say "I dont wanna get DrainedMicrofusionCells, I want a DrainedFlamerCellTank to be added with a 50% chance instead!".


Hell, you could have caps show up. But you can't change the quantity as far as I can see. And even if you could, it would be for ALL weapons that use the AmmoMicroFusionCell ammo. So that would effect your single celled energy weapons too.


Granted, I don't have the most knowledge when it comes to manipulating this kind of stuff, but as far as I can tell, that isn't the way to do it.




One thing you could try is attach a script to the weapon itself (note that if any other mod edits the guns that you edit, it probably won't go well for your game).


Go to the weapon in question (lets say... WeapNVGaussRifleUnique aka your YCS186). Right under the "name" field, there is a dropdown menu that, by default, will say "none" and to the right have three little dots. that is the script that the weapon associates with.


If you create a script to run every time the weapon is fired (I am NOT an experienced scripter, so I don't know the command for that), you could add an if variable to getrandompercent for your probability. If the probability is successful, it would add a DrainedMicrofusionCell. Then repeat this command for a total of 4 times (or however much ammo the weapon uses) and end your script.


Again, I'd ask someone with a little more scripting know-how, but I think that'd be the way to go about doing this.

Edited by sullyvanj93
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What I'm hoping for is a mod that changes it to roll for a chance to get a drained cell based on ammo used instead of shots fired

One thing you could try is attach a script to the weapon itself (note that if any other mod edits the guns that you edit, it probably won't go well for your game).


Again, I'd ask someone with a little more scripting know-how, but I think that'd be the way to go about doing this.

There are some NVSE functions that might make a more robust quest script, thus avoiding an object script.....but it's messy. You have getWeaponAmmouse to poll the current equipped weapon and multiply it by getAmmoConsumedPercent (rounding down to the whole number) for spent rounds/drained cells. I'd guess you'd probably have to capture the fire key press as well, so you know when to execute the majority of the code. And you'd have a lot of if/else statements to find a matching block for each appropriate weapon. I think it's do-able but probably above my pay grade (and definitely above my patience threshold).

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I also know nothing about scripting, so I apologize if this makes no sense, but could you make it so that equipping a weapon only changes the payout to match the ammo expense? The impression I'm getting is that making multiple rolls would be really complicated and annoying to do, but if it was just changed so that the YCS had a 35% chance of giving you 4 drained MF cells, that could work. It wouldn't function quite as... naturally, as getting individual chances, but statistically you'd end up with the same number of drained cells in the end. Also, It seems like that should make it easier to interface with the Vigilant Recycler perk, which gives a x2 chance of getting a drained cell, but again, I have no idea how these things work, so I could be totally wrong.


Also, this is all assuming that when Sullyvanj said "The only altercation available here is to make the percentage higher or lower, or to change the possible loot you get", changing the possible loot includes the ability to change the amount, which if it doesn't renders everything moot.

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could you make it so that equipping a weapon only changes the payout to match the ammo expense?...... but if it was just changed so that the YCS had a 35% chance of giving you 4 drained MF cells,

changing the possible loot includes the ability to change the amount, which if it doesn't renders everything moot.

Unfortunately it doesn't, it just allows the selection of a single misc form, with no provision for entering more than one. And even if it did, you would be creating a new ammo form......which would be fraught with problems. A scripted solution isn't bound in that respect.

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