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Black Texture(?) Bug / Black Lens Scouter


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Well right on to the issue, i downloaded Ruddys Scouter ( http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10566/? ) and it was working fine, then decided to do some editing on it in outfit studio to try and make it on both sides, ended up getting nifskope for the tries and it was all working fine, then all of a sudden when i started the game after having checked a bunch of times before, to check my changes the Lenses were black, when they are supposed to be red/green/blue/ and be see through in colors with markings on (check mod page for comparison if need to).



And it is also beyond repair and i really mean it... I have uninstalled the mod, removed the changes i made, and installed the mod again, still with black lenses, loaded it without any other mods, redownloaded it, installed the NMM download both with NMM and manually, and the manual version with NMM and manually as well...


Also downloaded retextures for the lenses but this had no effect on the look ingame at all.

I have gone through literally every single idea that's popped into my mind to try and get this fixed but, aside from redownloading all of its files what can you do - means my issue is something else but i have nothing else installed (note that it appears on clean save as well...


So ye thats my issue, my current guess is that it has something to do with lighting (basically the game has stopped reading the items reflection or something and simply doesnt cast any light/shade on it, basically making it all black. (missing textures show up as purple/pink so its not actually missing...) either that or its a rendering issue... but i have no idea whatsoever to fix either of these issues,


Anyways any guess any of you might have will be helpful because i've run out of every idea i have ...




GeForce GTX 980

i5-4590 CPU @ 3.30GHz


I have also updated my drivers to latest version to no avail

If anything else is relevant tell me...

Edited by KonZikawa
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a very similar, if not the same issue. I first noticed it on the See-Through Combat Scopes, but Raider Overhaul masks seem to have the same problem for me.

I mentioned it in the comments and the author was kind and trying to help me. I think might have found the source of the culprit, but not why or how to fix it...or even a guarantee that I'm right:

After doing a lot of testing and debugging I found...nothing. No idea, no driver problems, game revalidated, complete clean game with minimal amount of mods, did a manual install.

I'm using 1.7.3 of this mod right now and it's working perfectly fine.

Comparing the two versions, I noticed that 1.11.4 uses a "Materials" folder that the previous versions weren't using. The Raider Overhaul mod that is giving me the same issue, also adopted a "Materials" folder. Maybe the issue is related to that?

I found this guy that has the same/a very similar issue, but there aren't any answers yet. He guesses there might be a problem related with the lighting. I think there's something to that, since a mask that is completely black, seems to actually have a texture when seeing it in the transfer window: http://imgur.com/a/tU1jR

I really feel that "Materials" and the lighting somehow can get screwed up for objects that have some kind of transparency (scopes, gas masks, scouter). Especially that the item in question seems to have textures in the transfer window, but not in the game-world (or when using "inspect"), as can be seen here: http://imgur.com/a/tU1jR.


P.S. I'm using a AMD so it does not seem to be GPU/driver related.


Edit: After further digging, I noticed that one mask (the Bozo) from Raider Overhaul that is a re-texture of the "Gas Mask with Goggles" worked perfectly fine, but another mask, that was also a re-texture, had the problem. Looking a the files, the difference is that the broken ones have three separate textures for the lenses, while the single working one lacks those; this is further making me believe that the source of the problem is indeed related to transparency.

Edited by Araxiel1911
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  • 3 months later...

See-Through combat-scopes is where I first had the issue, then Rad Ban Eyewear and the helmet of my N7 armor is jet black also.. Arrrgh! + I was hoping someone here could advise.. I tried everything :/
+Oh yes.. The same with some of the masks in Raider Overhaul also.. I think one of those mods is the culprit

Edited by BigBadBrave
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