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Tactical tools and modern artillery mod (all useable) WIP


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This mod is a WIP i wanted to add some cool usable tools to the game they are not really lore friendly more of a modern twist. Also i wanted to add more modern style artillery to the game not the small boring cannons I had original posted this in the mods wanted section but deiced to give it a try my self. The plan for the artillery is to have it so depending on the artillery you add to your settlement the range, blast radius and amount of projectiles fired at once are all controlled buy it. Also I am planing on adding a laser designation system were you can mark you targets and calling the artillery not having to use a flare similar to the missile launcher does. Here are some of the models i have done now.



Spotting scope


I am working on the designator model now and also the artillery, I have a 3 barrel model for a battleship turret that I am tweaking to make it look like a shore gun

This mod may take a little time as I have zero scripting ability and there is no creation kit if any one wants to help or a copy of these models feel free to let me know

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