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Patching Fallout Wanderer's Edition to 6.03

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Yes, confirm the overwrite. If you do not, the installation will not proceed. You are being asked because the patch changes something, like scripts or textures for example, and doesn't just add new content. I've had no problems with my game, beyond the normal ones that is, since I upgraded FWE to ver 6.03 myself.
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Yes, confirm the overwrite. If you do not, the installation will not proceed. You are being asked because the patch changes something, like scripts or textures for example, and doesn't just add new content. I've had no problems with my game, beyond the normal ones that is, since I upgraded FWE to ver 6.03 myself.


Okay. I get an Alternative Travel esp that warns me it's marked as an esm, and the patch seems to have added several new files at version 6.0 that I didn't want. I'm seeing empty box messages in game, so I know something's wrong. Did you get anything like this?

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Hmm, it has been a while since I upgraded to 6.03. I vaguely remember the Alternate Travel warning. If you have FO3 Edit, that is an easy fix. If you don't have that, I suggest getting it. It can be a bit daunting at first, but I've found my game works better since I started using it. You can find it here http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=637 if you don't have it. I can walk you through the process of fixing that warning once you have it.


I assume that the new files you don't want are plug-ins listed on your load order? If so, you can just uncheck them for now, probably even delete the esps from your FO3 Data folder as well.


By empty box messages, do you mean that you have blank dialogue/menu windows? If so, it sounds like you have a mod conflict someplace. Make sure that your load order is set up close to what the FWE team suggests. I think there should be a web version of the readme file included with FWE. It is a bit out of date, but the part regarding load order is still relevant. I don't remember having this problem myself though.

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Hmm, it has been a while since I upgraded to 6.03. I vaguely remember the Alternate Travel warning. If you have FO3 Edit, that is an easy fix. If you don't have that, I suggest getting it. It can be a bit daunting at first, but I've found my game works better since I started using it. You can find it here http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=637 if you don't have it. I can walk you through the process of fixing that warning once you have it.


I assume that the new files you don't want are plug-ins listed on your load order? If so, you can just uncheck them for now, probably even delete the esps from your FO3 Data folder as well.


By empty box messages, do you mean that you have blank dialogue/menu windows? If so, it sounds like you have a mod conflict someplace. Make sure that your load order is set up close to what the FWE team suggests. I think there should be a web version of the readme file included with FWE. It is a bit out of date, but the part regarding load order is still relevant. I don't remember having this problem myself though.


I was hoping to not have to clutter up my compuetr too much... The mod runs perfectly without that 6.03 patch, but in order to use many other major mods I need it updated. If those unwanted editions to the load order can be fixed by unchecking them, can the alternative travel warnign be fixed in the same way?

Never mind, I'll download FO3 Edit. Any additional help would be fantastic.

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You can try and leave the Alternative Travel esp unchecked. It shouldn't affect the way FWE fucntions, but I'm not sure it will dissable the warning. I just ended up editing the File Header of the esp back to being "esp". I'm assuming that when the Alternative Travel plug-in was being finished off, the person in charge of it wanted to make it an esm, but just didn't do it correctly. According to the FWE load order, it is supposed to be an esp file, not an esm.


I will take some example screen shots to help walk you through the process of editing the File Header. The Alternate Travel esp adds an option to use a motorcyle for fast traveling. There are options for keeping it fueled and maintained. It is nice if you are into high levels of "immersion" in you game. I personally don't use it, as it interferes with part of one of my favourite companion mods, 187GURLZ.


As I mentioned before, it is possible to remove the unwanted plug-ins from you FO3 data file. Don't delete them, though, until after you've run the game for a bit to see if they are neccessary for the mods that required the FWE 6.03 patch.

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