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Facial hair mod?


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Are there any Oblivion mods out that will let you use facial hair? I seacrhed the boards for it and seen some guy say he was going to work on it and that was in May... God speed.


I've seen a screen shot of a character with facial hair. It was a long Go-T (spelling?) and looked AWESOME.


I haven't found anything on here (mod search is corrently disabled) or anywhere else.


Do facial hair mods publicly exist? Anyone have a link?

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Are there any Oblivion mods out that will let you use facial hair? I seacrhed the boards for it and seen some guy say he was going to work on it and that was in May... God speed.


I've seen a screen shot of a character with facial hair. It was a long Go-T (spelling?) and looked AWESOME.


I haven't found anything on here (mod search is corrently disabled) or anywhere else.


Do facial hair mods publicly exist? Anyone have a link?




try these






personally i would stick with the default way of getting "facial hair", but thats just me! hope you enjoy these.. er i hope these are sort of what you were looking for. have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


-Christian of CCRE

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