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Activating mods not working?


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Depending on the mod, you could always try to install it manually. I've never used obmm, so I don't know how it works. What I can tell you is: Only mods that are in the Oblivion\Data directory will show up in the data files list.
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Well obmm sounds easier. I didnt understand how to do it manually :(

One of my weakest points in computers is files and stuff :(


any other suggestions?


Is anyone out there? Im a noob in distress. I really want to play mods on oblivion.


Please? I have looked at the tutorials but im lost :mellow:


EDIT: Merged posts. Please don't bump, it's against the rules. Thanks. ^^


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It really isn't that hard to install it manually. The mods come with readme's, and that should help you through it. Honestly, its just putting moving files around. And the preset file paths do the work for you. Plus, if you do it manually its easier to control what goes into your game (The natural environments mod comes with a terrible interface. Installing it manually means you don't have to use it).
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