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From constant CTDs to oatmeal textures - Wassa matta with this game!?!


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Hey everyone! First post, so if it's a stupid question please point me in the right direction.

Okay, so I got FO4 around November. Played around with it, modded it lightly, no worries - great fun.

Then all of a sudden, like, a month ago or something, I started having serious CTDs. Updated my nVidia drivers, crashes seemed resolved - but now a LOT of my textures look really yucky and /or load incompletely. In short, it tends to look a lot like the pic I've included. Grainy and oatmeal-y and disgusting.


Now, I'm not a texture freak or anything, and I felt that the default textures were passable - especially since I play on an older system.


Does anybody have an angle on this? I would be ever so grateful.


Thanks in advance.



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Thanks for your reply, Sandcrab!


I've already tried doing a clean install, but maybe I should try again and tinker with the .ini folders some more. I dunno. Right now the game is stable, but with those lousy low-res textures its still nigh-unplayable. Could it have something to do with the new mode of loading textures where the game "streams" them rather than loading them all in at once? I do have significantly reduced loading times now. That accounts for nothing, though, if my textures still look like crap.

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Okay, I'm assuming you are no longer having CTD issues, correct?


Some general questions...

What graphics card are you using and what settings are you playing at?

Screen resolution, video memory, ini settings? All of these will affect how it looks, but you know that.


Of course, you know there are some very excellent 'tutorials' out there for tweaking video settings as well.


Even with a high-end machine and a high-end video card, I've had to back off some settings for the game to get things looking good all the time.

Little stuff like screen tearing, blurring and loss of environmental details in the distance are all problems I've run into. See this link:



Too many mods. too many objects built in the same areas, all affect the video rendering.

This is an area that I'm as clueless as most for fixing. Hope someone jumps in here and helps you.



Good luck on your troubleshooting.

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