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Skulljack variables .ini mod. Please?


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@ BadgerBrownCoat


I found the variables for most (all?) of the "Heavy" weapons in the "DefaultGameData_WeaponData.ini" file, so I added 1 or 2 shots to a couple of them (why would a Grenadier only carry 1 rocket FFS?) And also because there are no purchasable or trainable upgrades to the number of shots for any of the Heavy Weapons, I felt the Grenadier kind of lost his usefulness at higher levels (particularity on L/I)


However the "Clip Size" for the Grenade Launcher's (Standard and Advanced) is set at '0' So I assume that it's tied into the inventory/utility/grenade slot somehow?

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rgr that - i can link you to mine & Traenol's "discovery" of how oddly that was handled -
the game doesn't see it as a weapon with a 'magazine' - it sees it as linked to the 'launch grenade' ability which opens the third grenade-only slot -
this caused a bunch of animation issues for the " flamethrower" grenadier armory mod.
my current workaround is i give them also ' heavy ordnance' w for playtesting - at squaddie level - but it's a workaround.


it's some... odd coding.
i had a bit of a rant about grenades in general, , but that's another story.
And, thanks!

Edited by BadgerBrownCoat
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No problem ... I have to admit, my own knowledge of the "coding" is something resembling 'bupkiss' (or SFA) but playing around in the .ini files is something I'm used to from waaaayyyy back.


It also seems to be a common theme among the more talented "coders' in the modding community, in that Firaxis may have stated their intention to make the game "mod friendly', but they don't seem to have s single clue as to how to actually accomplish that goal. Seems like they are actually just waiting around for the community to do all the work for them.


You know, after watching a few interviews done with Jake Solomon, it almost seems like he doesn't have a single clue as to what he's doing, and he's actually jealous and a little bit in awe of what modders did with EU/EW and what they have already done with XC2.

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