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DAI won't run on new machine bc I don't have the mods installed yet?


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I just got a new machine. I downloaded DAI but it won't run. I did some research and think that this is occurring because I don't have the mods or merged files yet. But I can't apply the mods / merge the files without the game running, right? I should say that my experience with mods extends only to following the youtube video to get them installed. Beyond that I am a complete idiot.


Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

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Wait, the game itself won't run, or your saves won't load?


Mods have ZERO to do with the game itself launching. If you can start a new game with a new character, there's nothing wrong.


Saves require that a certain value found in a file in the settings folder match the one that was present when the save was made. Using the DAIMM will increment that value each time it's run. If that's the only issue, it's an easy fix.

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When I went to run the game, it would start to start and then flash off. My little bit of research suggested that it could be that the mods weren't installed but I have to admit that didn't make much sense. As it turned out, I had to return that machine (it was s a new asus laptop and it had a graphics problem) so I guess that could have been it, but Witcher 3 (through Origin) and Tomb Raider (through Steam) were working fine. I now have the replacement laptop and have been waiting to download DAI until I looked into this issue.


I was running the game on a pretty old asus laptop with no problems other than it being slow with ultra settings. I have the local saved games from that.


Assuming the game will run this time, do you think I will be able to use the old saves? I'm level 15 and so I really hate to start over.


Thanks so much for the help

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You absolutely can use the old saves.


But... As I said in the first reply, you'll probably have to edit the "package.mft" file (found in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\Update\Patch" to set the "Version" number to be equal to (or greater than) whatever it was when the particular save was made.

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Ok, now I feel ignorant so bear with me. The patch number is 12. When I open the .das file (in note pad) I see asci characters and if I search for "version" I see the number 1 in one place and the number 2 in another. I see these in a block of text below all the asci characters. I didn't change anything.


I moved all my saves from the bioware save folder and the game loaded fine. I put my old saves back in the bioware document folder and again it wouldn't load. All that to say, I see you are right. If you could give me a little more guidance in editing the version number in the save file, maybe I can get it to work. Thanks again. Sadly I have work to do but I will look here later.


Oh, and do I need to have any of the mod files on my machine before I do that?

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There is NO SUCH THING as "Patch 12".

Here's the official "BioWare DAI Patch Notes" page.


There is an internal game version #12, which, on the PC, is the version number assigned within the game after applying Patch 11. (Because there was a PC-only hotfix between Patch 2 and Patch 3.)


As for your questions:


You make NO CHANGES at all to your .das files.

You simply edit the version number found in the "package.mft" file I pointed to in my reply!


And no, (unlike DAO) you don't need to have any mods installed. Whatever changes your mods made simply revert to the vanilla game without them.

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I meant to type 'version' not 'patch'. My bad. The name of the sub-folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\Update\Patch) stuck in my head I guess. You were, of course, right in your first reply. I was over thinking it, somehow got thinking that the edit in the version number had to match something else. When i finally just changed the number to 13 the game loaded just fine. Thanks again for being so patient in your help.

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