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Lost all my cutom eyes...


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I just got a new computer and transfered all of my Oblivion mods. I currently have a good couple of hundred mods running, which were the same on my old PC.


I started Oblivion up and everything was fine. All mods worked (at least from what I've seen in the IC). I have Ren's Beauty Pack, Capucie's Eyes, Jeepers Peepers and Cosmetic Comp (pretty sure that's all of the 'eye' mods). I created a character with custom eyes, played for a bit and then exited. When I played again, all custom eyes were gone and only the defaults were being used.


Does anyone know of any mods that may be complicating with those listed above? Sorry I can't be more specific, but I can't imagine why they just stopped working, when I haven't changed a thing.

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