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Hello i wanna ask what's people opinion about this skill and what do you expect from it in skyrim? For example i think they should remove the time limit for each summon and let your ally fight for you until he dies? what do you think?
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They really need to take out the time limits or at least make them longer.

A 30 second summon will do NOTHING unless they make them more powerful

Definitely, also disliked how they removed the ability to enchant weapons and items with constant effect summons. :(

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Hm since we can employ companions in skyrim i hope conjuration wont fall in some sort of backplan, i mean we had like 20 summons in total in oblivion,hope that number increases in skyrim.
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In my opinion the Conjuration in Oblivion was just plain stupid! The creatures were somewhat good but the idea of "Bound" armor was a waist of time. We know for a fact that it is in the game but what we don't know is if it is a beneficial skill. Personally I think that it should be in the same skill category as destruction...but what do I know? I'm just a stealth class. :wink:
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It was always more of a fun skill then benefical, but when i say fun it was FUN. I always liked the idea being mage and controling creatures to bash each other to pulp(yey necromancy) im sure there are people that will agree with me.


Edit: when i think of it none of the skills is benefical, you choose what you like the most and turn it into your benefical skil"

Edited by jancina25
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I do indeed hope that they improve conjuration. I heard somewhere (unfortunately I cannot seem to remember where) that Necromancy is receiving an "overhaul" of sorts, so hopefully that is the equvilant of better conjuration.


Heh... I remember whenever a mage summoned something in Morrowind, I would actually get concerned for my character's well-being. :happy:

Edited by IndorilTheGreat
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@indoril - it has? hm where did you read that?


It seems that I can't find the source where I read that right now...


No matter. I'll keep looking. I edited my post to reflect this. :yes:

Edited by IndorilTheGreat
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