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Rent Out Player Homes


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I'm sure this has been asked for before, and I know there's a mod for owning rental properties in Skyrim, but I'm interested specifically in a mod that would let you rent out your player homes, provided you've bought and furnished them. Renting them out is more immersive than giving them away, since you're supposed to buy them so that you own a piece of property in the Hold's main city (in most cases), even if one doesn't need the gold.


I'm only going to live in one house, and the others languish; in the past I've used My Home Is Your Home to assign followers to the various other player houses, in essence letting them take over living there, but it would be very excellent to be able to parcel out my unused player homes to NPCs some other way. Housecarls could revert to living at the keep or palace for that Hold.


I'd even love the ability to let beggars and such live in player homes for free, turning them into local homeless shelters, perhaps even alternately furnished to account for this. It would be cool to offer the workers in Markarth an alternative to the Warrens, for example.


My scripting is not up to creating this kind of mod myself, unfortunately, so while I'm still learning, I'll toss it out here.

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