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Run and Gun, anyway to make it a passive?


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Maybe I just like conceal too much, but after finally taking a look at the ini files I was elated to find that I could increase the number of uses from 1, which was one thing that didnt make much sense to me. In my mind, I figure for a stealthy guy if my ranger wasn't under fire it would be natural to hide again. However I then thought "Well if I do this, I should do something to run and gun so it sort of balances this." Now lets disregard the conversation about unlimited conceals being unbalanced in and of themselves, but focus on the issue at hand of how to make the run and gun skill better to compete with it. Regardless I find the cooldown for Run and Gun far too long, even longer than the first xcom for some reason and the new concealment ability too useful to turn down.


So, getting to the meat of the matter I couldn't find anywhere in the soldier skills ini to disable the cooldown. I figure maybe guessing at it and adding in a line like "RUNANDGUN_COOLDOWN=0" or "RUN_AND_GUN_COOLDOWN=0" in the ranger skills section could possibly work though I havent tested it yet, though I will soon. Still... that would mean you would have to click the ability everytime and wouldn't make the effect passive.


Would anyone know how to make Run and Gun always in effect, similar to abilities like Deep Cover and Ever Vigilant? I feel doing this would help balance it against other skills like that you can get from the AWC. I dunno about the rest of you but it seems pretty lackluster compared to many other skills. Sure its not the only one, but I figure one at a time ya know~?

Edited by GSmog
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add 6 mobility to the ranger?

LOL, litterally, that came at me unexpected. Ah... crying a little bit. *wipes tears away* But... no. I mean, I dont even know how to give a class extra movement but that would effect way more than just the run and gun. And then you could actually run and gun to get double the effect. I JUST would like it if run and gun always let you do an action after sprinting is all. Hah, yea thats a big just I guess, let me go back and enhance it. I guess thats like saying Id JUST always like to be awesome. :p Maybe I can at least figure out a way to remove the cool down.

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Wouldn't this be easy? Looking at the run and gun stuff (at a brief glance), it looks like it is simply adding a specific type of action point on use. You'd just have to make it passive, I think? Though maybe making it add every turn would be the issue, not sure. I'd just look at the code in X2Ability_RangerAbilitySet and fiddle around to try and make it simple.


If you just want a once-per-turn cooldown, that's even easier, just change Cooldown.iNumTurns to 1.

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Wouldn't this be easy? Looking at the run and gun stuff (at a brief glance), it looks like it is simply adding a specific type of action point on use. You'd just have to make it passive, I think? Though maybe making it add every turn would be the issue, not sure. I'd just look at the code in X2Ability_RangerAbilitySet and fiddle around to try and make it simple.


If you just want a once-per-turn cooldown, that's even easier, just change Cooldown.iNumTurns to 1.

How? I cant find it anywhere. Which ini file has that line and whats it called? Id need some details.


For instance \Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\DefaultGameData_SoldierSkills is where I found these lines


Run and gun isnt there, and Im not sure what the command is to change it. Which is why I could use some help. Where exactly are you looking at? if I had a better idea I could possibly do it as easily as you say. As you can see I've changed the stealth charges easily enough but in my ini at least it doesnt have anything for run and gun. Maybe I need to redownload it.
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He meant "in the code" as in "in the unrealscript code" not in the INI :wink:


That is definitely something you will not be able to do by just editing ini files.

Ah, well Id be willing to look into the script code if I knew where it was and what to open it with. I thought it was all editable by the ini files since I seemed to be able to tinker around in them already a little bit. Hmm guess Im going to have to go a bit deeper then if I want to make run and gun a passive effect which is idealy what Im after.

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Thanks for the advice and the link, though considering Ive never heard of it before now I found this link the most helpful. :tongue:




Ill give an update when I get it all installed to my blind fumblings around in there. Just let me remove all the X4 charges in my computer for saftey reasons


Adding mobility can be done by editing the ini files, in XComClassData.ini. For any class, the stat progression can include any stat, such as mobility.

Hah I guess you were being serious then. :tongue: Though it is something I could contemplate now that I have a chance to think about it. Weird how the ranger has a bunch of mobility stuff but never levels up their speed. Also weird that the grenadier never gets any armor. From leveling up I mean.

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