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how to lay my added corpses down?


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idk why but when i add corpses into wolrdspace via fo4edit they appeared like that


but i wanna layed corpse. and not just rotation. like a falled ragdoll


when i interract with them, they lay down, but not when i just launch f4 and load game

Edited by Neanka
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In my Rebuilt Spectacle Island mod I had an NPC that didnt want to lay down properly. I have come to the conclusion that there is a havoc flag someplace we havent found. I placed a damn rock to drape him on since i couldnt get him to straiten out. I will be watching this thread for anyone posting a solution or suggestion. I even tried to look at Loot Corpses Bethesda places. The only solution would be to find one that is laying in the position you need and use a copy of that one and move it into your cell. The havoc engine dont seem to touch them until they are acted on or maybe some flag we dont know about.



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take the following and put it in a txt file ... I call mine GetPos so i can type bat getpos and get a full layout information.


getpos x
getpos y
getpos z
getangle x
getangle y
getangle z
I used this placing my NPC. I grabbed him and dragged him where i wanted and when he was laying right i used the console and that bat file to get full layout information. It helps. It wont however do anything with the arms and legs positioning that is predefined until havoc begins operating on the model.
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In Skyrim dead actors had to have "Is Dead" flag in ACHR record header, no idea about Fallout 4. Anyway just find a real corpse of NPC (not some moveable static) in vanilla refs and use the same values as usual.

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Hmmmm. Ragdoll data I am assuming is what you are referring to. Time to go experiment. I guess since xEdit allows us to move a record to another cell we can always move a copy of a vanilla corpse then point it to our NPC. Going to try it today. Thanks zilav.



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OH WOW thanks. We were making it more complicated than needed it appears. I am still going to tinker with the ragdoll data but this is SUPER helpful for finding one that does what we want so we can make copies of the data we need. In xEdit there seems to be at least 2 ways to do everything. The hard way (works but you end up reaching around your ass to scratch your nose) or the right way (works but you have to know the process ahead of time or you default to option one). Here is a question for anyone... What exactly is everyone waiting on GECK for? as far as i can see 99.995% of everything i do will remain in xEdit its MUCH more flexable and user friendly than the GECK unless they make MAJOR changes in GECK.



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Look at my screenshot. See raider? I just copy placed object to my sanctuary's cell. It have all original data except coordinates, and ofcourse linked to corpse npc with Starts dead flag

But as u see it just stand in default nif-model pose.

So if me or my piper touch him, he fall down.

And funny thing - if i load any save after that - this corpse still lays on the ground. But if i restart client and load save it again standing



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What i do is place it then load up game and touch it... move it to where i want and then use my bat file to get placement co-ordinates to have it lay down. That looks like a version of generic T pose. I still suspect that the Havoc engine dont touch it until its acted on or until the game engine sets it up with an AI.



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