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timed energy blast script


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Hi, I'm trying to create a script for a weapon that leaves an energy charge at a target location (trying to use a modified plasma projectile right now), then after 5 seconds it detonates with an energy blast (plasma grenade explosion).


scn 1MODReactiveLaserExplosion
;this script places a timed explosion at the reticle

float timer
float fQuestDelayTime
short aTarget

begin OnFire
    set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001
    set aTarget to PlaceAtReticle
    aTarget.placeatme 1MODReactivelaserpulse

    if ( timer < 5 )
        set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed
        aTarget.placeatme GrenadePlasmaExplosion 1



{1MODReactivelaserpulse} is my custom projectile with a speed of 0 and a fade of 5.0

{GrenadePlasmaExplosion} is the default explosion for plasma grenades


The problems I have come across so far is:

a. the test script for timers on the bethesda walkthrough doesn't work in the first place.

b. the placeAtReticle command places the detonation in your face, not at the target location.

c. none of my code works anyway because I have no idea what I'm doing.

Edited by feltrockni
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Hi, I'm trying to create a script for a weapon that leaves an energy charge at a target location (trying to use a modified plasma projectile right now), then after 5 seconds it detonates with an energy blast (plasma grenade explosion).


scn 1MODReactiveLaserExplosion
;this script places a timed explosion at the reticle

float timer
float fQuestDelayTime
short aTarget

begin OnFire
    set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001
    set aTarget to PlaceAtReticle
    aTarget.placeatme 1MODReactivelaserpulse

    if ( timer < 5 )
        set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed
        aTarget.placeatme GrenadePlasmaExplosion 1



{1MODReactivelaserpulse} is my custom projectile with a speed of 0 and a fade of 5.0

{GrenadePlasmaExplosion} is the default explosion for plasma grenades


The problems I have come across so far is:

a. the test script for timers on the bethesda walkthrough doesn't work in the first place.

b. the placeAtReticle command places the detonation in your face, not at the target location.

c. none of my code works anyway because I have no idea what I'm doing.



I dont think begin on fire run every frame, so your timer isn't being continuallly counted down, run maybe twice, probably once.


normally a timer script have the timer evaluations in a gamemode block, because gamemode blocks run every frame.


float timer
begin onactivate
set timer to 10

if timer > 0
  set timer to timer - getsecondspassed
if timer <= 0
   do something


that wont work, but is written fairly correctly.


float timer
short triggerd

begin onactivate
set timer to 10
set triggerd to 1

begin Gamemode
if timer > 0 && triggerd == 1
  set timer to timer - getsecondspassed
if timer <= 0 && triggered == 1
   do something


that why the activate (or onhit in your case) starts the gamemode block.



I've done this with target bottles (so after they spawn you can shoot them and they time out, and then "teleport" to a garbage collection cell/container.)

the onhit block only set everything in motion. the magic is done in gamemode blocks (in order words add a gamemode block to your script and just put the timer in there)


hopefully that helps

Edited by xab666
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that why the activate (or onhit in your case) starts the gamemode block.



I've done this with target bottles (so after they spawn you can shoot them and they time out, and then "teleport" to a garbage collection cell/container.)

the onhit block only set everything in motion. the magic is done in gamemode blocks (in order words add a gamemode block to your script and just put the timer in there)


hopefully that helps


Thanks. But that still won't save for some reason. Why can't there be a damn override save button in the geck...


Also - I'm using onFire. I don't want it to activate only after it hits. Though... making people explode after they get hit with it would be cool. But the idea is to modify the Laser RCW so that everywhere it hits has a 5 second buildup of energy then explodes.


Also if someone could help me with the code for placing an object at the reticle location and then placing a second object at the previous location. I would like to apply a pointer to the target location the add items to that location in the script, thus every time the script advances a second the detonation charge pulse gets bigger (via different objects placed) and then it detonates.

Edited by feltrockni
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that why the activate (or onhit in your case) starts the gamemode block.



I've done this with target bottles (so after they spawn you can shoot them and they time out, and then "teleport" to a garbage collection cell/container.)

the onhit block only set everything in motion. the magic is done in gamemode blocks (in order words add a gamemode block to your script and just put the timer in there)


hopefully that helps


Thanks. But that still won't save for some reason. Why can't there be a damn override save button in the geck...


Also - I'm using onFire. I don't want it to activate only after it hits. Though... making people explode after they get hit with it would be cool. But the idea is to modify the Laser RCW so that everywhere it hits has a 5 second buildup of energy then explodes.


Also if someone could help me with the code for placing an object at the reticle location and then placing a second object at the previous location. I would like to apply a pointer to the target location the add items to that location in the script, thus every time the script advances a second the detonation charge pulse gets bigger (via different objects placed) and then it detonates.



you need to download GECK powerup. it will show you the compiler errors instead of it silently failing 100% of the time... heres a link



I highly recommend that, and FNVEdit http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34703


OnFire was added with new vegas, and to be 100% honest, i've never tried using it..

all I was originally stating is that timers HAVE to be in blocks that run everyframe (can be done in triggers, but gamemode is more applicable to this situation)

otherwise it gets evaluated once, isn't true (as the time doesn't change) and nothing happens.


I saw a script to get the x/y/z position of the reticle. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/How_to_make_a_ground_area_mark_that_follows_the_crosshair



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That's the wrong powerup - you need the new one for the 1.3 Geck




ONFIRE is not a valid block type.


If you get in the habit of naming objects that begin with numbers, you are asking for trouble if you want to script them. 1MODReactivelaserpulse



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That's the wrong powerup - you need the new one for the 1.3 Geck




ONFIRE is not a valid block type.


If you get in the habit of naming objects that begin with numbers, you are asking for trouble if you want to script them. 1MODReactivelaserpulse


I have no problems changing the names. I only did it to bring it to the top of the list anyway.

And onFire is valid. The archemedes targeter gun uses it. (See euclidcfinderscript, not sure I spelled it right but it's there)


I did get a script put together that should have worked but it didn't activate. I will post it as soon as I get home(on cell now).

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I was originally basing the code on on the euclidcftargeter script but because that weapon fires using like 5 separate scipts I can't make heads or tails of how it's target pointer works. However I can tell you it looks a lot simpler than the sample code you pointed me to. You may want to take a look at that in the GECK. Edited by feltrockni
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That's the wrong powerup - you need the new one for the 1.3 Geck




ONFIRE is not a valid block type.


If you get in the habit of naming objects that begin with numbers, you are asking for trouble if you want to script them. 1MODReactivelaserpulse

my bad on the link, but onFire is actually a valid block type? i've never tried it in use but, it compiles. its on the GECK page as added in NV: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Begin

or are you saying you've used it and it doesn't work? (in which case nvm)

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That's the wrong powerup - you need the new one for the 1.3 Geck




ONFIRE is not a valid block type.


If you get in the habit of naming objects that begin with numbers, you are asking for trouble if you want to script them. 1MODReactivelaserpulse

my bad on the link, but onFire is actually a valid block type? i've never tried it in use but, it compiles. its on the GECK page as added in NV: http://geck.bethsoft...index.php/Begin

or are you saying you've used it and it doesn't work? (in which case nvm)

Actually I looked here and didn't see it: http://geck.bethsoft...gory:Blocktypes

I did try a simple test and the powerup error said it was invalid:

scn MYtestScript

Begin OnFire



But now if I fire up the Geck without the PU, it does compile, like you said.


Edit - My bad. I had the FO3 Geck open.:teehee:

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This is my current code and I can't get it to compile. I think I have the wrong message display code. This is only a test code so I can make sure the script activates properly.


scn aMODReactiveLaserExplosion
;this script places a timed explosion at the reticle

Float Timer
Short DoOnce

Begin OnFire
Set Timer to 5
Set DoOnce to 0
showmessage "target designated" ;set a reference point to spawn pulses and detonation

Begin GameMode
If DoOnce == 0
	If Timer <= 0 

		Set DoOnce to 1
	Set Timer to (Timer - GetSecondsPassed)
	If Timer > 4 && Timer < 5
		showmessage "charge 1" ;pulse 1
	If Timer > 3 && Timer < 4
		showmessage "charge 2" ;pulse 2
	If Timer > 2 && Timer < 3
		showmessage "charge 3" ;pulse 3
	If Timer > 1 && Timer < 2
		showmessage "charge 4" ;pulse 4
	If Timer <= 1
		showmessage "Boom" ;detonate

Edited by feltrockni
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