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showracemenu not saving changes


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Weird, I've changed my appearance dozens of time using showracemenu via console but, for some reason, it's not saving my changes anymore.


Really weird thing is that, the second I go into showracemenu, my character appears as though my previous changes were indeed saved. Then, the second I exit (i.e. press "R" and then name my char) it goes back how it was before going into the menu.


If that was kinda confusing, it's like this:


1. Appearance X

2. Go into SRM and change appearance to Y

3. Save and rename, upon exiting it goes back to appearance X

4. Go back into SRM and I see my character with appearance Y

5. Save and rename, upon exiting I'm back to appearance X


In particular, it's the brow and the eyes. That's the only thing I'm tweaking.


Crazy stuff.




Here's a pic of my char in showracemenu



and after saving



Is it just me (maybe I've been looking at this too long :tongue: ) or are the eyes/brows kinda "scrunched"? I mean, it looks like she's about to cry that her changes weren't saved!


Oddly enough, I tried making some really crazy changes, like a mouth that was a mile wide, and it saved! Same thing with making the skin tone really dark. But, no matter what, the eyes & brows get the scrunch-o-rama after saving.


I have the current versions of Race Menu and SKSE installed.


Edit2: okay, more craziness, but of the good variety. I just tooled around for a while and headed up to Ivarstead, and all of a sudden noticed that my char was showing the changes I'd made! Dunno what was going on, perhaps my char is just allergic to something in Whiterun. :P

Edited by kevkiev
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  • 1 year later...

Weird, I've changed my appearance dozens of time using showracemenu via console but, for some reason, it's not saving my changes anymore.


Really weird thing is that, the second I go into showracemenu, my character appears as though my previous changes were indeed saved. Then, the second I exit (i.e. press "R" and then name my char) it goes back how it was before going into the menu.


If that was kinda confusing, it's like this:


1. Appearance X

2. Go into SRM and change appearance to Y

3. Save and rename, upon exiting it goes back to appearance X

4. Go back into SRM and I see my character with appearance Y

5. Save and rename, upon exiting I'm back to appearance X


In particular, it's the brow and the eyes. That's the only thing I'm tweaking.


Crazy stuff.




Here's a pic of my char in showracemenu



and after saving



Is it just me (maybe I've been looking at this too long :tongue: ) or are the eyes/brows kinda "scrunched"? I mean, it looks like she's about to cry that her changes weren't saved!


Oddly enough, I tried making some really crazy changes, like a mouth that was a mile wide, and it saved! Same thing with making the skin tone really dark. But, no matter what, the eyes & brows get the scrunch-o-rama after saving.


I have the current versions of Race Menu and SKSE installed.


Edit2: okay, more craziness, but of the good variety. I just tooled around for a while and headed up to Ivarstead, and all of a sudden noticed that my char was showing the changes I'd made! Dunno what was going on, perhaps my char is just allergic to something in Whiterun. :tongue:

hey man same here I've got the same problem and there's no fix for 60 years ago and it won't be ... it's the save all messed up and you can't change that


It's hoplesss I've been trying to figure it out myself but I don't think there's a solution just restard the game but for me as soon as I load a preset the problem restart again


my problem is with the skintone and it won't change I've loaded a cute preset but I just want her skin color to change but no everytime I reload the save it's gone back ! so hopeless showracemnu is buggy there's no fix

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